MAES Announces Honorees for MAES Bravo Awards 2013

MAES Bravo Awards 2013 winners will be recognized during the 39th Annual MAES Symposium in Houston, Texas on September 25-28, 2013. MAES continually seeks to acknowledge excellence among the best and brightest Latino engineers and scientists. Houston, TX (August 23, 2013) MAES proudly announces its honorees for the MAES Bravo Awards 2013. These individuals will MAES Announces Honorees for MAES Bravo Awards 2013

MAES National Official Facebook Page

Chapter President Breakfast is going on right now! If you are a President or a VP go there! (regardless if you got an invitation right now). College Decathlon has been moved back to 9:30 AM

MAES Takes Vegas By Storm

MAES Takes Vegas By Storm! Here is a MAES student’s perspective on the top things that people missed by staying at home.

Engineering School: How to do it?

To be a good engineering student takes a lot of steps to achieve it and succeed. Probably one of the most complicated careers there are in the world of education is engineering, but certainly it is not impossible. People should always have in their minds, “If they did it, I can do it too,” because Engineering School: How to do it?

Reaching the Next Generation: Children are our future, but how can we make a difference today?

Leaders of tomorrow STEM from the seeds our leaders plant today.  Reaching out to the younger generation can inspire them to learn about STEM fields.  As the founding MAES chapter at Cal State Fullerton, we have worked on reaching out to the local community to continue the mission of MAES. Our strategies for inspiring the Reaching the Next Generation: Children are our future, but how can we make a difference today?

Top 10 Things to Remember for the Next MAES Symposium

The MAES Symposium is a great experience. If you haven’t been yet, here are some pieces of advice from your friends that went previously. Following these 10 simple recommendations will help you succeed at the Symposium and throughout your professional career. They may seem basic, but the basics build the foundation for success. Don’t let Top 10 Things to Remember for the Next MAES Symposium

Oh the Places you can go with MAES

Life is a balancing act, PV=nRT a thermal dynamic act. So please read these, couple tips Because life can be solved with a couple of tricks. Pressure A life without struggles may seem ideal to most individuals. Yet, the hardships we are confronted with can end up as a blessing in disguised when we least Oh the Places you can go with MAES

Next stop… your bachelor’s degree!! How to stay motivated

1.  Ask yourself: Why do you want to pursue your degree? Find your passion! Do what you love and love what you do. Remember that it is very important for you to find a support group or person. This includes family, friends, co-workers, neighbors and professors. 2.   Surround yourself with people that share your same Next stop… your bachelor’s degree!! How to stay motivated

How to Lead Your Chapter to Academic Success

MAES at your student chapter just got better! Show your members how much support you are able to offer them by providing an immediate return on their investment in MAES. Academic success can be easily achieved, especially with the support of a national organization that values education as much as its members do. Increase your How to Lead Your Chapter to Academic Success

Become the STEM Hero of Tomorrow!

Recently The University of Texas at El Paso MAES/SHPE Chapter hosted the annual Science and Engineering Extravaganza in which elementary and middle school students learned about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). In addition, the event intends to expand their educational opportunities and assist students in becoming college eligible through a variety of developmental activities.  Become the STEM Hero of Tomorrow!

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