Applying to graduate school, as many of you know already, can be a very stressful time. It’s important to stay calm and collected and to plan ahead to ensure as smooth an application process as possible. Below, we’ve included a list of 5 things we feel are an absolute must to have a successful application process.
Obtain Research Experience
There are thousands of research opportunities for undergraduates throughout the country (and abroad) in universities as well as internships in industry. Participating in such programs will give you a flavor of what graduate school is like and of the work ethic expected. In addition, these experiences will set your resume apart and will strengthen your personal statement.
Build Professional Relationships
Professional relationships are fundamental for admittance to graduate school; forming strong relationships outside of the classrooms with faculty may land you a research position at your institution and will make all the difference in your educational and professional career.
“Your score may not guarantee your acceptance or rejection for a grad school, but it’ll certainly have a large effect on your School-of-choice’s decision…”
Apply to National Fellowships
National fellowships are an absolute must if you plan on going to graduate school without applying for bankruptcy shortly after. There are many fellowships out there, such as the NSF and the Ford Foundation. Make sure to choose a fellowship that suits your needs.
Graduate Record Examinations
Whether or not you believe in standardized tests, GRE’s are a necessity if you wish to enter a graduate school. Your score may not guarantee your acceptance or rejection for a grad school, but it’ll certainly have a large effect on your School-of-choice’s decision, so don’t stress yourself out, but make sure to study and do your best.