As young adults getting ready to enter into the world of higher education, fear controls our minds and the unknown seems like the scene of a horror movie.
The pathway from being a carefree student to suddenly having to choose the university or college that will define your future makes you feel like Atlas. With the weight of the world on your shoulders and the very common lack of support from parents who despite their good nature lack the knowledge to help, you are left with NO ONE.
That scenario was true for many of us students, but it can be turned around. All of us that are now part of MAES have gone through the struggles of choosing the right college, of working our rear ends off to get just the right grades that will land us a scholarship. We have all taken our turn being Atlas, and we have succeeded. We are strong individuals and we have reached the top of Mount Everest, but is it enough that a single person has reached their full potential? Are a single individuals’ accomplishments enough to shift the trend and truly make a difference?
UH-MAES doesn’t think that our success is enough. We believe that the key to really making a difference is to facilitate the path into higher education and to lead the next generation of pre-professionals. That is why we dedicate such effort into all of the community outreach events that we do.
As a chapter we have gone from mentoring a robotics team with their One Robotics competition, to establishing and mentoring a soon to be mini-chapter in Booker T. Washington high school, and all the way to our new science camp held during the summer. Not to mention the impact that we have every year on the famous Science Extravaganza.
These endeavors have made us see the impact that can be made when kids see that they do have SUPPORT and that they do rely on SOMEONE.
The experiences gained from every outreach event that UH-MAES participates in, has made us understand and truly experience the change that is made in these young minds. The realization that these students are now excited and interested in pursing not only a higher education but in majoring in the STEM fields makes every event a successful one.
It is the drive to help those who are going through what we have been through succeed that makes MAES a true familia. It is helping to inspire those young minds what will really make a difference!
So are you ready to help your community? Are you ready to make a true difference in the future of our nation, or are you just going to be satisfied that you made it and hope everyone else does?
Great article. UH MAES offers a lot of outreach to the community. Great work guys!
Great Job
I just joined the UH chapter and I already got a great connection to the robotics team. Thanks for continuing the organization.
Whose hOusE??
We’re doing great so far. Keep it up guys!
This is an interesting article!
Awesome job guys!!!
Awesome !!!!!!!
It’s an honor to work with MAES outreach events, especially with the SE.
I think this is a great article. UH-MAES……..
Wow very impressive! Keep up the great work MAES!!!
This is great
thank you for sharing
Awesome job, UH MAES!
Keep it up guys!